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Price of steel plate keeps soaring in Taiwan | Edit:Jason Click:4609 Time:2011-1-4 22:37:48 | It is reported that the price of steel plate keeps soaring in Taiwan. At present the price of HR prime product has already elevated to USD 730 per tonne. Also, the price of CR CQ2 product has soared to USD 847 per tonne. This is the fourth time to attempt to increase the price by Taiwanese suppliers this week.
However, the steel prices are expected to surge further because China Steel Corporation will firmly increase its prices for March 2011. It is reportedly the company’s will raise the price of prime product at least USD 35 per tonne and its stock prices also will surge by USD 24 to USD 34 per tonne roughly.(Sourced from YIEH.corp) | [ Back ] [Print ] |